Sunday, September 20, 2009

Temper Tantrums


My name is Callie.

I am 26 years old, married, and I still throw temper tantrums.


Will I ever outgrow this?

I had a royal temper tantrum morning. I wanted to wear something cute to church. Nothing seemed to fit right. So as my poor husband lay in bed, trying to watch his favorite show of the week ("Sports Reporters" on ESPN), I proceeded to practically empty my closet onto our bedroom floor.

I would try something on. It wouldn't fit right. I would tear it off, and slam it to the ground. Then I would proceed to stomp into the closet to find another piece of clothing to be my next victim.

Then, when convinced absolutely nothing would fit right, I laid in bed beside my husband. I whimpered. Then I cried. Then I bawled. I apologized for being fat and ugly, for being a bad wife, and I even think I said, "I suck."

Oh man, it's hard being married to me. My sweet husband? He just stroked my back and told me he loves me. And told me I'm beautiful. And I'm not fat. And I'm not ugly. And I'm a good wife. And I don't suck.

Haha. It cracks me up now, but of course, at the time, I was so upset I couldn't see straight.

Thank You, Lord, for giving me such a patient husband.

Does anyone else out there still throw temper tantrums?


  1. We are a lot alike with this! I have definitely been known to throw a tantrum or two! My poor husband is so good about putting up with it!

  2. *sheepsihly raises hands
    I'm not proud of it. But I also have had some trouble fitting into clothes that just 6 months ago were a little loose. What is with this newlywed weight gain? I'm going on a run tonight, for sure
