Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dinnertime Conversation Topic - Michael Vick

One of my goals of this blog is to provide fellow Sports Widows a topic every day or so for dinnertime conversation. Who really has time to follow ESPN or SI all day to find out the latest news in sports? So here you go, the first installation of the Dinnertime Conversation Topic.

Michael Vick. Say his name and people seem to have an instant reaction. (In case you don't remember, he was the Atlanta Falcons quarterback who was arrested for dog fighting). He recently got out of jail and is trying to get back into football.

The first question is - should he be allowed to get his job back after such an atrocious crime? (The Commissioner has given him an "indefinite suspension").

Second question - if he is allowed back into football, which team will sign him and when? (Today, Tony Dungy - a well-respected former coach and mentor to Michael Vick - said he thinks Michael Vick will be signed by the end of the week).

What does your Sports Addict think? :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

I Hate West Coast Games

It is 11:33pm and my beloved Tampa Bay Rays are playing the LA Angels. And it's only the bottom of the 4th.

Why can't the world be on one time zone? (Doesn't Greeny of Mike & Mike have a theory on this one?)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

And So It Begins...

Truth be told, I'm not quite a Newlywed Sports Widow yet. This Saturday, I will be marrying the love of my life. His second love? Sports.

Our lives revolve around sports. We are getting married in August because he adamantly insisted that we not get married during football season.

My hope is to use this blog to connect with other sports widows, and perhaps help provide some insight into the world of sports (I also happen to be quite a sports fanatic.)

Tonight? Pre-season NFL football is on. Buffalo is playing Tennessee. In case you don't recognize the uniforms, they are playing in "throw backs". And I just learned that the Tennassee Titans used to be the Houston Oilers (hence the oil rigs on their helmets). Another interesting tidbit about this game? The ever entertaining (if not annoying and distracting) Terrell Owens (T.O.) has recently joined the Buffalo Bills. We'll see what type of impact he has on the game.

And the punter just ran a touchdown in for Tennessee on a trick play. Not a bad way to start the season.

Any other sports widows out there?